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0260 YAK40 CZECH AF EHRD020905.jpg
D-AGPL FOKKER 100 GERMANIA FRANKFURT 100905.jpg D-AIAX A300-600 HAPAG LLOYD FRANKFURT 100905.jpg E3-AAO B767-300 ERITREAN AIRLINES FRANKFURT 100905.jpg 0260 YAK40 CZECH AF EHRD020905.jpg 12-003 G-IV TURKISH AF  EHRD020905.jpg 129 FALCON10 FRENCH MARINE  EHRD020905.jpg 5BCKN  FALCON 50  EHRD250705.jpg
File information
Filename:0260 YAK40 CZECH AF EHRD020905.jpg
Album name:Marc2406 / Rotterdam Airport
Rating (1 votes):00000(Show details)
Aircraft Type:Yak 40
Operator / Airline:Czech Air Force
Location / Airport:Rotterdam-Airport
Filesize:155 KiB
Date added:Sep 02, 2005
Dimensions:1024 x 683 pixels
Displayed:115 times
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